Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Not blogging = busy?

I am really forgetting about this blog-thing at the moment. Actually, I have quite a bunch of pictures that I have to sort/delete/edit in order to put them online. And telling stories without pictures is kind of boring, isn't it?

Well, we have been to Auckland for the weekend. It has been a very lucky and beautiful trip. I will write another blog about it later on.

And: this week I started to be kind of productive at uni. I try to get used to going to the lab in the morning and get some work done. I made it for two days in a row now, so we'll see how I get along.

Today I was in the office at 7 am already. Did some reading and organizing, and managed to use up all the money on my UniCash account. We have to pay to use the Internet, and we have to pay for printing. But Masood told us that he will refill our account in case we don't have any money left. We'll see if that works.. In the meantime I am using Jernej's account. He is travelling on the south island with Moni at the moment, so he does not need his account anyways.

At 11 I went to a talk of Ian Witten, one of the most famous researchers working in the CS department here. He did his sabbatical in 2005 and went to a lot of different places (even Vienna). He showed pictures and told about the research he had been doing. And he played an audio sample of Woody Allen playing the clarinette. Quote: "That was the worst clarinette playing I ever heard." Funny :-)

Afterwards I went home. It was a very hot and humid day, so I felt tired. Maybe I should have stayed in the lab. It is quite cold there, so I even wear a scarf sometimes.
Anyways, I was baking bread again today, which took some time, and afterwards me and Alex made pumpkin and apple strudel. Was ok, but still with potential to improve ;-)
Now I am really tired. But no time for it. Pilates starts soon.


At 1:59 AM, Blogger njyo said...

Welcome back. :)

Know the problem. Have fun.


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